Cat Diet

cat food and diet

Cat Diet – Feeding Your Cat

cat diet meal time

Cats in the wild feed on rodents and especially voles. The ideal cat diet for domestic cats would be a canned mouse. Unfortunately this is not available in super markets.

Cats are not vegetarians. Cats need meat. They need animal protein. Cats need a specific amino-acid called taurine.

The only way a cat can obtain the amino-acid is by eating animal protein. The consequence of not eating enough of this vital protein is that your cat will lose its sight.

Cats unlike other animals are not capable of obtaining vitamin A from plant sources. Giving your cat carrots will do no good.

They need foods as liver, kidney and fish oils. Many dry foods consist of high quantities of grains. This is not a recommended cat diet. Dry food is the junk food in the cat cuisine.

Cats that feed largely on dry food will eventually get very ill and die a painful death.

What you feed your cat is of vital importance to the animal’s health. Many cat owners choose to have a bowl of dry cat food available for the cat at all times.

The goal being that the cat can have a meal whenever feeling hungry. That is all well and fine, but this may cause serious health issues for your cat in the long run.

If you do not carefully examine what the dry cat food consists of, your cat may develop fatal health conditions.

Even the cheapest canned cat food is better for your cat than the dried cat biscuits alternative.

Cats need a lot of Water

Cats need plenty of water. Cats in the wild get their need for water in the prey as a vole consists of around 70% water.

Canned cat food consists of about 78% water. This is good news for your cat. Dry cat food consists of only 7-10 % water.

Even though a cat that feeds on dry food alone will drink more water, this is far from the water quantities your cat needs. Serious kidney and bladder problems are common if the cat does not consume enough water.

Cats need access to clean water at all times. It seems many cats prefer running water. Some cat owners will keep a water tap slightly running at all times making it possible for their cat to drink from the running water.

Other solutions may be a cat water fountain. There are plenty of cat water fountains on the market should this be your choice.

If you insist on giving your cat a vegetarian diet or only junk food (dry cat food), your cat is better off without you. Give your cat away and get a rabbit instead.

How much food does a cat need?

Cat owners need to remember that cats prefer many small meals as opposed to one or two large meals.

Think of the size of a mouse.

That is a natural size for a quick meal.

A cat will love this size of a portion several times daily.

kitten eating

Cat Not Eating – Why cats won’t eat

Sometimes cat owners may despair that their healthy cat will not eat. “The cat may just wonder over to the plate of food, sniff on it and wonder off without eating.”

There are several different reasons this behavior may occur.

A cat that is looking to have sex may temporarily loose interest in food. The cat has far more important matters to attend to. This is natural and nothing to be alarmed about.

When your cat has finished courting and mating, the appetite will return to normal.

The same goes if there is a sudden change in weather. Cats are quite sensitive to weather changes and will be more concerned with the changes in weather rather than food. This is also a temporary.

The area of where the cat is fed as an effect on the cat’s appetite. Cats appreciate a quiet place to eat with dim lighting. It also needs to be clean.

Cats that are fed in a noisy and busy place with bright lights will get stressed and may just wander away.

Another reason may be as simple as your cat is not feeling hunger because it has already had plenty of tasty meals. This is quite common as well-meaning neighbors give you oh so cute cat a nice snack.

Though your neighbors are only being friendly and truly find your cat adorable, you will lose control of what your cat consumes.

Chances are your cat might be fed carbohydrates (grains) and dairy products. This is the kind of diet which will harm your cat and should be avoided at all costs.

Cats do like variation in their diet. If you feed your cat the same old food daily your cat will be less than enthusiastic at meal times.

Cats prey naturally on different kinds of animals. This is also a survivor mechanism not making them dependent on solely one particular food source.

The final reason may just be that your cat has a hidden health condition.

If you do not see any logical reasons why your cat will not eat it would be recommended you consult with your vet.

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Cat Towers

cat towers furniture

Important Cat Furniture

Cat towers may be the most important furniture in a cat owner’s home. Some may use the name cat trees others may call this piece of cat furniture for cat condos. Even others will refer this cat furniture as a cat gym.

cat towers

It does not really matter what term you prefer to use, having  cat towers in your home is vital for your cat’s health and wellbeing.

Cat towers serve several purposes. From a human point of view, the cat towers can prevent your cat damaging your exquisite furniture.

This certainly is a wise decision in relations to your wallet. It undoubtedly not fun to find scratch marks on your new sofa or to find your curtains torn.

Yelling at your cat for ruining your furniture is just about the worst thing you can do. It will only make things worse.

Yelling will only frighten your cat and make your cat hostile, aggressive and nervous.

You need to find a solution to fill both your needs as well as your cat’s needs. Investing in a cat tower could be one solution for a happy and harmonious cat.

There are some things you should consider before purchasing a cat tower or cat tree. Cats are highly intelligent and independent animals.

Cats can also become frightened in which cases they need easy access to a safe hideaway.

Cat sitting on cat tree

Cat Towers with three sides

An ideal cat tower will have one spot which is enclosed on three sides, thus providing your cat with a safe hideaway.

To keep your cat healthy you need to provide your cat the opportunity for exercise.

Climbing and jumping around in a cat tower may contribute to this need. Cats love to climb and jump.

Make sure your cat tower or cat tree is stable and heavy enough to fulfill this requirement. A lightweight and cheap cat tower that collapses as your cat tries to jump to the next level may seriously harm your cat in the fall.

This is not a risk you wish to take only to save a few bucks.

Cats love high places

If your cat is very active, you may want to consider bolting the cat tower to a wall. Cats love high places. It will give them a sense of control and security.

Your cat will love sitting on the top level of the cat tower and observing all that is going on. Occasionally your cat may just choose the top level of the cat tower to take a nap.

This brings us to the important issue that that top level is large and safe enough for your cat. You most certainly would not want your cat to roll over and fall to the ground when asleep on the top level.

Make sure the top level of the cat condo is a safe haven for your cat.

Cat Towers: Do not use fleece cushioned pads

Some parts of the cat tower may wear out before others. Make sure you are able to get new parts for your cat tower or cat tree. Many merchants will sell individual parts.

This is needless to say cheaper than having to buy a completely new cat tower if in fact it is only one part that needs replacing.

Many cat towers have one or more levels cushioned pads. Make sure these pads are washable.

Fleece pads are not recommended for cats that chew.

Also be sure to any dangling toy fastened to the cat tower is safe. Do not fasten any toys with threads your cat can easily tear apart.

If your cat rips apart a toy made up of threads and manages to eat the threads, the result can be a serious health threat.

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Toxic Plants

toxic flowers to cats

Toxic Plants to Cats

We all enjoy decorating our homes with beautiful plants and flowers. Unfortunately some of the most popular plants are toxic to cats.

If you keep an indoor cat only, you need to be especially aware of this fact and either get rid of all toxic plants or keep them securely out of reach for your cat.

Make no mistake, cats are attracted to plants and cats will chew on your plants. A good idea is to have trays of safe grass with easy access for your cat to chew on.

Chances are your indoor cat may leave your houseplants alone if the cat has easy access to regular grass.

There is a juice in grass which contains a vitamin called folic acid. Cats need this vitamin for the production of hemoglobin. It is not found in modern day cat meat diet. Cats will naturally seek to get a little of this juice.

They are not so interested in the plant itself, but by chewing the plant they secure their need for folic acid. Indoor cats that do not have access to grass may start to chew on other plants or flowers.

If you suspect that you cat has digested a toxic plant or flower, it is of vital importance that you contact your vet immediately. If that is not possible please call the National Animal Poison Control Center.

There are close to 400 different toxic plants to cats. Before bringing a plant into your home, please make sure it is safe for your cats.

Don’t despair; there are hundreds of plants that are perfectly safe for your cat. You can enjoy both your plants and your cat; you just need to choose your plants with the welfare of your cat in mind.

Here are some of the most popular plants which are toxic to the cat.


Lilies toxic

Lilies – All Lilies are extremely toxic to cats. This flower is a total no-no for any cat owner. All parts of the plant are severely toxic.

Ingestion of any part of this plant can lead to death for your cat. Untreated cats will die a painful death within a week or two. Lilies should never be found in a cat lover’s home.


wisteria toxic to cats

Wisteria – If your cat eats seeds and pods from this plant, your cat may experience vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and finally collapse.


daffodils toxic to cats

Daffodil – Eating daffodils will lead to vomiting and diarrhea.


chrysanthemums and cats

Chrysanthemum (Daisy) – The leaves and stems are toxic to the cat. Unfortunately cats love to nipple on leaves.

Cats that have eaten this plant will lose their appetite and get depressed. They will also start vomiting and develop diarrhea.


Amaryllis cats

Amaryllis – If your cat nipples on an amaryllis it will lead to vomiting and diarrhea.

This is quite unpleasant for the cat. Please don’t purchase an amaryllis.


azalea toxic

Azalea is a popular plant. No doubt about it, many cat owners have received these plants as gifts from well-meaning friends. This is not good news for your cat.

If your cat eats azalea your cat will start trembling and having trouble coordinating and finally your cat may collapse.


Caladium Elephant Ear

Caladium – This plant is often also called “Elephant Ear”. Some also call it “Heart of Jesus” or “Angel Wings”.

If your cat is unfortunate enough to have chewed on the Caladium, your cat will develop diarrhea and start to vomit. Your cat will also start to shake its head and have great difficulty breathing.

Creeping Charlie

Creeping Charlie Pilea nummulariifolia

Creeping Charlie – However nice this plant may look, it is not cat friendly. If your cat digests parts of a Creeping Charlie, the cat will have cramps and experience vomiting and diarrhea.


Dieffenbachia Dumb Cane

Dieffenbachia is also known by the popular name “Dumb Cane”. – It is quite decorative but should not be found in a cat owners home.

Eating this plant will affect your cat’s central nervous system and that certainly is bad news for your beloved cat.


Mistletoe toxic to cats

Mistletoe – The Mistletoe is ever so popular, especially around Christmas. Oh, what joy to receive a kiss under this mystic plant. If you are a cat owner please make sure to keep it out of reach for your cat.

If your cat chews on the Mistletoe berries, the consequence will be quite unpleasant. Your cat may get blisters in its mouth and have breathing difficulties. As if that is not enough, your cat will start vomiting and develop diarrhea.


Poinsettia flowers

Poinsettia – Poinsettia is a favored gift. We all love to give and receive the lovely poinsettia. Cat owners beware, the poinsettia is toxic to your cat.

Your cat will have problems breathing, start to vomit and get diarrhea if the cat eats on the poinsettia.


Monstera toxic

Cats that have eaten on the decorative Monstera will develop diarrhea and vomiting. The cat will also have breathing problems.

The large green leaves of the Monstera plant are not what you want place in easy reach for your cat.

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catnip catmint

A very special treat


Catnip is the popular term for the plant called Nepeta cataria.

The plant is an herb in the mint family.

It is easy to grow. Many places it is regarded as a weed. Nepeta cataria can become quite high.

Some prefer to call the plant “catmint”.

Many cats are attracted to the catnip. The cat will roll and rub on the plant if it is found in the garden.

The feline will start off by sniffing and licking the plant and proceed to chew and then eat .

Catnip effects on cats

The cat may go into an ecstasy state.

The cat may start to purr or growl loudly. As the effect takes on, the cat will roll over and act very strangely.

Some may become drowsy, others may become overly active.  Some cats may show signs of anxiety.

The state of ecstasy may last up to ten minutes.

The cat then goes back to normal. Catnip is perfectly safe for the cat. It does not have any side effects and no ill effects on the cat.

After a couple hours the cat will be responsive to another dose of this special treat.

Only about 50% of domestic cats react to catnip. This seems to be generic. Most kittens do not react. In fact kittens will naturally avoid this plant their first two months.

Catnip can be grown naturally or purchased dried. If your cat reacts positively and clearly shows signs of pleasure and ecstasy, then by all means let the cat enjoy a dose every now and again.

Effects on humans

Catnip may make a cat act absolutely crazy for a few minutes, but has the opposite effect on humans.

Many people have been known to drink Catnip tea as a cure for insomnia, as it has a calming effect on humans.

It is also known to help cure diarrhea and been used to treat colds and fever.

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